Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How long can a cardboard boat float?

Cardboard Boat Regatta

Come see boats of all shapes and sizes fill Port Washington’s harbor Saturday, August 18 and Sunday, August 19 as Port Washington Maritime Heritage Festival hosts the 2nd annual cardboard boat regatta. Businesses and individuals are invited to build their own cardboard vessels to compete in the regatta. Saturday's race will include all boats that have been built in advance and are ready to race. New this year is the "Build it in a Day" race on Sunday in which participants will be provided supplies and a limited amount of time to construct their boat until being put to the test. Both races kick off at 2pm from the Marina Launch Ramp near the festival grounds.

Awards in four categories—single and team entries in youth and adult divisions—will be given for the fastest time, but other awards will be given for best construction, best theme and costumes, the team that has the most fun and even one for the most spectacular sinking. 

Entries for the cardboard boat regatta are still being accepted. There are several rules regarding the construction of the vessels, which must be made from non-waxed corrugated cardboard. Complete rules and the entry form can be found at www.portmaritimefestival.com/regatta.html.

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